Thursday, June 16, 2011

Altrernative Medicine

After many doctors and failed attempts to treat and help my medical conditions, I decided to try Chinese medicine.  I received accupunture on the first visit, which helped my inflammation a little.  He also gave me herbs to boil and drink twice a day.  His idea was that the cause of all my issues was due to too much water being held in my stomach.  The herbs are supposed to dry out my stomach and help try to distribute the water and other nutrients throughout my body's systems.

I have been on these herbs for 2 weeks and really havent felt the difference I was told was going to happen.  I understand that I have been going through these issues for many years and a fix isn't going to happen overnight, but the price of these methods is high and if i dont start seeing something I will have to stop.  I have a procedure to look at my stomach and monitor the polyps/dysplasia in 2 weeks and I am giving the herbs til then.  I figure if it is helping then there should be some sort of change for the better in my stomach.

Another method that I am thinking of trying is Dream Tree water.  I found out about it from an old friend.  This water changed his life and got him off dialysis, so it has to be good.  I have read the website and all the testimonials, there are even people that have some of the same illnesses I do that have been helped dramatically.  I am getting to the point of trying anything, the meds that my doctors have me to "mask" my symptoms are affecting all parts of my life.  I really need to come off of the steroids and pain meds so i can focus on life and get my energy back.  The fact that my moods are uncontrolable sometimes and I can't explain them are killing me.  I am noramlly very sociable and want to do things, but after months of these meds I have become more reserved and "boring" :(  I NEED to come off all this stuff and find something that works without messing with me internally!

I hope that something works soon, so i can reallly get back to the person I really am and want to be.  Its been a rough few years and I am just ready to have a break in all the issues for a while.  We need to get to just maintaince soon....